5 Big-Impact, Low Cost Remodeling Projects

1. Tidy up kitchen cabinets:  homebuyers open kitchen cabinets and look inside.  You don’t want buyer’s to think that there is not enough cabinet space so make sure to stack dishes, remove clutter and consider adding some rollout organizing trays.  Buyers will feel like they have lots of room for all their stuff.  Also, take a good look at your kitchen cabinets.  If they are looking shabby or old, consider putting on a fresh coat of paint or having them resurfaced.  At the least consider putting on some new hardware.

2. Install granite tile instead of a slab:  granite countertops are a huge selling point to potential buyers in today’s market.  However this could easily cost $5,000 or more.  Instead, home owners can put in 12-inch granite tiles for about $300 in materials and get very high impact for little money. 

3.  Spruce up the bathrooms:  With a dated bathroom consider installing a new medicine cabinet for $100-$150, light fixture for around $100, faucet for $50-$75, vanity $200-$300 and toilet $100-$150.  If there is tile floors look to see if the grout needs to be slightly scraped and re-grouted.  Lastly, check the tub/shower combination.  With a good shower/tub you can do a bathroom remodel for under $800.

4.  Freshen up the basement:  Buyers in New England love their basements.  If the basement is not finished there are some things that can be done to make the basement a more attractive area.  If the basement is cement block or poured concrete have a contractor fill in the cracks with hydraulic cement and then paint with waterproofing paint.  They can then add a top coat and add color if they wish.  Also, the floors can be painted and spiffed up.  The basement may not be finished but it no longer looks like a dungeon.

5.  Replace light fixtures:  Don’t let homebuyers guess the age of your home based on how old your light fixtures are.  It is important that light fixtures are up to date and are energy efficient and can handle the new CFL light bulbs.

*Most of this information is taken from Realtor Magazine- January 2010

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